What We Believe

We believe that the Bible is God’s Word; that it was written by men divinely inspired; that it is absolutely trustworthy and has supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

We believe in God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth, Perfect, Holy, Wise, and All-powerful. He loves us and has made it possible for us to love Him.

We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, conceived in the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. We believe He was sinless; paid for our sin on the cross, and was resurrected and ascended bodily into heaven and intercedes for all Christians.

We believe in the Holy Spirit whom God sent to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. He comforts, sanctifies, and teaches those who trust in Jesus Christ as personal Savior.

We believe that the Holy Spirit dwells permanently in the life of every believer, having entered the moment of accepting Jesus as Savior. 

We believe that all men by nature and choice are sinners condemned to suffer everlasting punishment. We believe that through the Blood of Jesus Christ these sinners are reunited with God to live forever in God’s presence and His love.

We believe that every believer is saved by his personal acceptance of Jesus Christ. He is kept in the hand of God by the Power of God and not by any “feeling” on the part of the believer. Once a person is saved, he may sin, but will never be happy in it and can always gain victory over his sin by confessing it to Jesus.

We believe God has called us to preach the Gospel to all men; to organize other churches; to teach the Word; to baptize converts; and, to keep ourselves free from the world and its lusts.

We believe every man is responsible for every deed and word as well as those things we failed to say and do. We believe we will be judged according to our works, but we will enter heaven by faith in Jesus Christ. 

We believe in the personal and public return of Jesus Christ. This return is to gather His church and is before the millennium, which we believe to be a literal thousand years.

We believe that every believer should be baptized by complete immersion in water having previously given a public testimony of his personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.

As a Baptist Church in the Southern Baptist Convention

we also adhere to "The Baptist Faith and Message."